If you can manage to drag yourself away from all the Euros football action, it’s now time for Wimbledon 2016! You know that summer is officially here when Wimbledon begins… We all love the annual Pimms drinking, strawberry and cream eating event!
You can catch all the tennis action here at Biddys… Which players will you be cheering on this year? Do you favour anyone strong enough to knock Novak Djokovic or Serena Williams off the top spots?  Will Andy Murray get his champion title back?
It’s gonna be tense and exciting!
Ask at the bar if you fancy a Pimms, we’ve a tasty Pimms and Lemonade going for £4, packed with strawberries, mint and orange. It’s lip-smackingly refreshing!  You can also grab some lovely fresh strawberries with ice cream but we’ve still got plenty of the usual favourites for you to drink.. if you’re too manly for a Pimms…
As with any sporting extravaganzas we show here at Biddys, we’re always likely to be busy, so feel free to book yourself a table or booth for your pals if you’re making an event of any of the matches.


2 Tater Tot Dishes for £15

Available from 1st October till end November